Maine Local Living School
nurturing the human-earth relationship
Family Stay
Lessons & Activities
*Indicates a larger project that necessitates a half day commitment or more.
Solar Food Dehydration: Make fruit leather
Preservation with lacto-fermentation: Make sauerkraut, kimchi, dilly beans, or fermented pickles.
Acorn Processing: Grind and leach acorn flour, bake acorn bread.
*Rocket Stove Construction: Make your own rocket stove for camping or home use.
Mowing with a Scythe: Experience the rhythm and grace of mowing by hand and learn about sharpening the scythe blade.
Sourdough: creating and maintaining a sourdough culture & baking
Making yogurt
Tool Sharpening: Learn basic principles of sharpening edge tools. Bring your own kitchen or carving knife to practice on.
*Hammer Handle: Make a hammer handle and “hang” the hammer on its new handle.
*Drum Making: steam-bend a hoop drum and sew on a goat-skin head.
Wild Foods: Learn to identify harvest and cook with wild foods of the season.
Tree Identification Walk: Learn who is who in our forest and some of their many uses.
*Spoon Carving: Make your own wooden spoon to take home.
*Bowl Carving: Carve a wooden bowl with gouges and mallet.
*Basket Making: Make a small basket, from ash, root or birch-bark.
Leather Work: Sew a small pouch/ purse/ wallet out of hand tanned buckskin.
Composting: Build a compost pile from start to finish.
*Composting Toilets: Build your own simple composting toilet to take home, and learn the do's and don'ts of composting.
Chicken Slaughter: Kill, process, and cook a chicken
Orienteering: Map and Compass use / bushwhack adventure
Spatula/spear Carving: Carve a giant wooden spatula or spear with a drawknife and shave-horse (parents often delight in the spatula while even a very young child (4yrs old) can make a great spear)
Activities for Kids (and/or Adults!):
*Make a simple bow and arrow
Carving time with drawknife and shave-horse (With parental permission swords and spears are popular carving projects!)
Making fire with friction
Cooking bread on a stick
Make string from natural fibers
Make birch-bark napkin holders
Make corn husk dolls.
Make porcupine quill necklace